My Top 3 Online Learning Go-Tos During the Circuit Breaker

Published/Updated on:
May 11, 2020
It’s already been a month since we started the Circuit Breaker (CB). I have to say that it’s been quite productive for me so far - I’ve packed my room, cleared old items that I no longer need, and strolled down memory lane as I reminisced my younger days while going through all my belongings from different stages of my life (including homework from my schooling days). Staying at home this past month really got me thinking about what I’d like to do too as I grow older, particularly career-wise.

Though I’ve been busy working from home, there has always been some spare time I thought I could put to use especially since I won’t have this downtime after the Circuit Breaker. From bonding with the family to taking short jogs in the park, the Circuit Breaker has really helped me to put things into perspective - especially the importance of family.

As I spend my time at home, I’ve found ways to upgrade my skills by taking online courses in Digital Marketing, something that I’ve been passionate about for awhile now. I am fortunate enough to be able to have some spare time during the weekends to study and attend these courses to really focus on upgrading my skills. 

Here are some online learning platforms that I’ve been attending which may interest you too:

1) Coursera

Coursera is an online learning platform that provides online courses and even degrees from universities all around the world that are accredited and recognised. They also offer courses provided by big companies like Google and Amazon. They’re usually quite costly, but during this time they’re providing about a hundred courses for free (till 31st May) that span from Data Science to Personal Development. I’m currently enrolled in the Marketing Analytics course conducted by the Darden School of Business, which is the graduate business school associated with the University of Virginia. Click here to find out more about the different courses Coursera is currently offering for free. 


Screen recording of how Coursera's online learning platform looks like in the course overview page
A preview of how a course in Coursera looks like

2) LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning, a subsidiary of LinkedIn, is another platform that I’ve been using to continue my personal development in Digital Marketing. While it’s on a paid subscription basis, they provide a variety of courses such as learning to work in Sales, being a Video Editor, or even a Front-End Web Developer. They also provide learning paths where they collate different courses to assist you in your goals (e.g. learning pathway to becoming a Digital Marketer). Certificates are also provided for the courses that you complete and you can easily update it into your LinkedIn profile. 

Screen recording of how LinkedIn Learning's online learning platform looks like in the course overview page
A preview of how a course in LinkedIn Learning looks like

3) Courses

Ever since the Circuit Breaker, has stepped up in digitalising majority of its courses to ensure that home-based online learning is possible during this difficult time. Offering courses from Basic Drafting and Sewing to Digital Drawings for Fashion, students can learn these important skills to succeed in the Fashion Industry from the comfort of their own homes. These classes are conducted through live webinars on Zoom, and different e-learning platforms such as TalentLMS and Google Classroom. I myself have taken a few short courses from’s Digital Marketing bundle, including the Social Media Marketing and Inbound Marketing classes. I’m able to go through the class with minimal hiccups and am able to learn without the need to travel to campus. Upon completion of the courses, I also received my WSQ certificates, which is awarded for the majority of’s courses. 

Screen recording of how conducts their online classes on Zoom
A preview of how a course in looks like (conducted on Zoom)

Starting your own fashion brand?

Here are some courses from each platform that I think may really help you out:

I definitely recommend trying out a course online to experience what I think is the future of learning, as the world continues to digitalise. With so many options and opportunities to choose from, we can continue to upgrade our skills with the short time that we have. Whatever we may be doing or planning to do during the remainder of the Circuit Breaker period, let’s all continue to practice good hygiene and social distancing and we'll definitely come out of this ordeal stronger. Hope everyone continues to stay healthy as we wait for this to be all over, and till then, stay safe and take care! 

Brandon Lim

Hi I am Brandon, the Assistant Manager in the Marketing department at I am always curious to find new and creative ways to grow’s customer base through different innovative methods, be it online or offline. Other than marketing, I also enjoy learning more in depth about project management and digital marketing in my free time and am a huge football fan!

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