Debunking 3 Myths About SEO That Will Convince You To Give It A Try

Published/Updated on:
October 10, 2023

While some myths and misconceptions are harmless, the same cannot be said when it affects the way you run your business and promote yourself online. As the digital landscape is ever-changing and evolving, it is common for certain misconceptions surrounding the online sphere to arise, especially with regard to search engine optimisation (SEO).

Believing in such myths can lead to detrimental consequences including wasting precious time, money, and resources and negatively impacting SEO rankings for your fashion business site as well. No doubt, perfecting your SEO is the key to increasing the visibility of your site, making it easier for your customers to find your page. It is valuable knowledge and strategy to possess and you need to have the right information to perform SEO correctly. 

Which is why debunking these myths and misconceptions are important so let’s get started!

1.SEO Is A One-Time Event

One common misconception many might have concerning SEO is that it is not a continuous process. Some may just sit back, relax and watch the results drive in once the first round of SEO is performed. But SEO is not a one-time process. It is crucial to constantly be on your feet and monitor, test, analyse and modify keywords, contents, links and your overall strategy as you move along. 

Staying updated and tweaking your SEO campaign based on the search engine’s algorithm to fit your needs, grow your fashion business in Singapore and reach potential customers is a continuous process. 

2.You Need To Include As Many Keywords As Possible

While you might have a number of keywords you want to rank for in your content, search engines will not reward you for how many times you can include them on your site. Crowding your webpage with the same keywords over and over again is referred to as keyword stuffing, which can lead to serious search penalties. 

Instead, you can try including well-researched and optimally placed keywords which will definitely work wonders as search engine crawlers will be able to find them easily. Keyword research is an essential part of this strategy because knowing what your customers are searching for and what specific words or phrases they use will be beneficial to you and increase your website’s relevance. 

3.The More Links The Better

The popular adage ‘quality over quantity’ certainly rings true when it comes to link building in an SEO strategy. Too many low-quality links might drag your site’s score down which negatively affects your ranking and trustworthiness. It may even cause your site visitors to grow weary. It is common for online users to bounce off your page quickly if they see too many links that direct them away from your site. 

What you should do is lower the number of your links and concentrate on building quality links instead. Not only will this help you hone in on the elements that are beneficial to your customers, but you will also be building your site’s authority as well in the process. 

Knowing exactly how SEO works and coming up with a strategy is important for reaching your business goals, both short and long-term. Being able to differentiate between myth and fact can go a long way in improving your site’s ranking and visibility. So, if you want to learn or gain more knowledge about SEO and how it can affect your site, we at have just the SEO course for you. You can also enrol in our other fashion business courses that will teach you how to grow your business in the fashion industry. Contact us to learn more today! 

Learn More: Digital Marketing In The Post-COVID Fashion Industry

Nicole Toh

Hi! I'm Nicole. I am a Junior Marketing Executive in Look forward to more blogs and content coming up from me! I love a good cup of tea, some light exercise and listening to music! I am always open to a thought provoking conversation, so hit me up if you've something you want to debate on! 

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