How to Scrub Off Stains:'s 1-Day Fabric Care Course

Published/Updated on:
June 3, 2022

I heard that it was possible to remove most stains with just a Q-tip and a bit of detergent. Seems like magic to me - here I was, scrubbing away chocolate stains until my arms felt like falling off, when all I needed was just one drop of Tide! 

The secrets of fabric and learning how to make them last the years, were all in’s 1-day Fabric Care class. It would be an afternoon full of beautiful fabrics, new skills, and great food. I knew I had to sign up immediately! 

No spoilers, of course … but the day was everything I hoped it would be. Here’s a bit of what you can expect!

A day of fun and great education

Our class was held in Sofitel City Centre, and when I entered, fellow students were already chatting away. For some, it was their first class with Others were interested after taking some of the sewing courses, and some attended the course as part of the AlterAround programme

Spacious ballroom in Sofitel Hotel!

Though we were all excited to learn new things, no one is quite as excited about the fashion industry and all it has to offer as our trainer, Doreen Tan. Imagine getting to spend the day with the Chief Executive of! She’s been a consultant for the UN and traveled the world to share her knowledge, and she made sure to share the story behind every fabric she taught us about. 

Is it real silk or just polyester?

We all know that feeling of buying the most beautiful scarf, being told it’s “silk”, and then finding out after purchase… It's 100% polyester! I know it’s definitely happened to me.

Polyester is still a useful textile, since it can recreate the feel of expensive fabrics at a lower cost. But Fabric Care is the perfect crash course to learn the difference between what’s real and what’s polyester.

The secret? All you need is a lighter.

Doreen told us stories of how she would always go to fabric markets with one. She showed that all you need to do is burn a little bit of the fabric to be able to tell if the material was the real deal. Again, I won’t spoil the fun and go into too much detail. But even just the smell of the fabric can reveal so much. I felt like a kid just lighting little squares of different kinds of fabric – but I felt a lot smarter now that I could tell what was what. 

A drop of Tide per stain makes the dirt go away

That didn’t rhyme perfectly but you get the idea.

I saw Doreen’s video on how to remove stains and it was finally our turn to give it a go.

We tried cleaning out different kinds of stains, from wine to chocolate to curry. We were prepared with a tub of water, some Qtips, and the smallest little container of Tide detergent I’ve ever seen.

Scrubbing the dirt off the fabric too hard will damage the fabric in the long run, especially for the more delicate kinds. This method only requires you to gently apply the drop of detergent on to the stain with gentle brushes.

It does take a few minutes, so the next time I brush stains off fabric, I might put on a new show on Disney+. But it was all worth it when we finally rinsed the once-stained cotton fabric. It was as if it was never stained in the first place!

And, of course … the food!

Attending a full-day class, we needed food, and not just whatever stained our pieces of cotton. As a foodie myself, I am very happy to say that Sofitel did not disappoint.

From 8:30am to 5:30pm, we had not one – not two – but three meals throughout the day! 

All that was paired with free flow coffee and tea, vegetarian, gluten-free, and Halal options arranged by, and all the great food options available in Tanjong Pagar.

Not only did I learn new things about the clothes I wear everyday; I got to learn how to take good care of them and treat them well too. With all the new knowledge I learned and new skills I can apply at home, I can definitely say this was an afternoon well-spent.

Do WhatsApp us or drop us a call at 6011 8066 to find out more!
Sign up for Fabric Care here!

Isabel Perucho

Hi, I'm Isabel! I am a Product Designer at I graduated from Yale-NUS College in 2018 where I completed my Bachelors thesis on independent Filipino film. I love good design and have helped with freelance creative projects throughout my college years. I'm consistently on the lookout for ways to learn more about design, content creation, and UX/UI.

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