TaF.tc Industry Partners - Dialogues and a Glimpse into the future of Fashion

Published/Updated on:
April 7, 2019

If you're interested to get a glimpse into the fashion industry, here from our industry partners themselves, as they share their knowledge on their expertise!

Topic: Fashion Sustainability

Presentation on 22rd of March 2019 
Rupa Ganguli -INCLUSIVE TRADE LTD, Former United Nations International Trade Specialist (ITC)
 Rupa Ganguli's Linkedin Profile

Topic:  Understanding TaF.tc's Apparel Diploma

Presentation on 3rd of March 2019
Thomas Tan, Senior Design Consultant & Trainer at TaF.tc


Thomas Tan's Linkedin Profile

Topic: A look-back at Global Packaging and Fashion Label Business

Dialogue on 22rd February 2019
Matt-Matsuo, former President & COO of RPAC Int'l
Matt Matsuo's Linkedin Profile
Matthew Ong

Matthew is no longer working with TaF.tc, but was the Chief Revenue Officer at TaF.tc. He was responsible for all activities that generate revenue. As a CRO, he coordinated with marketing, sales and the customer success team to ensure that our prospects and students gain the most value and outcomes out of their time at TaF.tc. During his free time, he enjoys going for runs and solving problems on a rock wall.

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